March 23, 2008


Pasti udah pada tau about geisha kan ? film nya juga ada tuh..keren lo..sedih juga ..and asyik deh please browse at .

Aku tuh seneng banget ama kimononya..elegant gitu lo..dulu sih pernah make..kalo gak salah sih..yang makein bilang yukata
aku sih seneng aja mo yukata kek ato kimono beneran..doesn't care..yang penting dah pernah pake kimono !! (sayang fotonya gak tau entah kemana,ntar deh aku cariin..)

Anyway..dipelptotin aja deh above pic of geisha...pada saat cherry blossom festival..kono hon no naka de geisha..dozo

Cherry Blossoms

aku seneng banget dengan semua yang berbau "Nippon"..even nihongo o hanashimasen...

Nihon itu unik aja menurutku....walaupun dulu pernah menindas negaraku..tapi tetep aja seneng ama nihon..anyway ini gambar cherry blossoms..yang cantik banget...mumpung bentar lagi mo spring...oh..i wish there !!

vhonna vhonna..


this pic..of my shaamil

what is juice ???

ini ada very complete explanation about "juice"..sorry masih seputar juice nih ! cuma ini dalam versi english..ntar deh dalam versi our mother language-nya..sabar ya

Juice is a liquid naturally contained in fruit or vegetable tissue. Juice is prepared by mechanically squeezing or macerating fresh fruits or vegetables without the application of heat or solvents. For example, orange juice is the liquid extract of the fruit of the orange tree. Juice may be prepared in the home from fresh fruits and vegetables using variety of hand or electric juicers. Many commercial juices are filtered to remove fiber or pulp, but high pulp fresh orange juice is marketed as an alternative. Juice may be marketed in concentrate form, sometimes frozen, requiring the user to add water to reconstitute the liquid back to its 'original state' (Generally, concentrates have a noticeably different taste than their comparable "fresh-squeezed" versions). Other juices are reconstituted before packaging for retail sale. Common methods for preservation and processing of fruit juices include canning, pasteurization, freezing, evaporation and spray drying.
Popular juices include but are not limited to
apple, orange, prune, lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, tomato, carrot, grape, strawberry, cherry, cranberry, celery and pomegranate. It has become increasingly popular to combine a variety of fruits into single juice drinks. Popular blends include cran-apple (cranberry and apple) and apple and blackcurrant. Prepackaged single fruit juices have lost market share to prepackaged fruit juice combinations. A number of new companies have had considerable success supplying prepackaged fruit juice combinations on the basis of this transition. "Innocent" and "P&J" are UK examples; "Nudie" is an Australian example.
Juice bars have also become commonplace across most of the western world and offer similar juices. Most of these juice bars offer freshly made fruit juices and claim that that confers greater health benefit. The rationale for this claim is that once the fruit has been juiced, its
antioxidants start to react with oxygen free radicals and so lose their health benefit.[citation needed] Juice is also commonly found in many cooking recipes around the world. The most popular are lime and lemon juice which help to add a slightly more sour or bitter taste to dishes.

More care with Health


Gak tau knapa belakangan ini aku merasa sedikit terganggu dengan lemak yang mulai menonjol di sekitar perut dan paha sedikit membesar...padahal sebelumnya..i do not care about such kind of long as my hubby say " honey are still awesome..."
Tapi karena baju baju dan celana celana jeans aku udah mulai susah di pake...jadi aku memutuskan untuk segera membenahi my body and soul..hi..hi..hi kayak judul apa ya ????

So..mulai kemaren..I decided to enjoy drinking kinds of juice...(started with pineapple+carrot juice..tambah sedikit susu...woww... rasanya kaya youghurt lho..) my lovely daughter said..mommy ..this is soo cool...enak !

Akhirnya aku memberanikan diri untuk...mencoba bikin juice dengan bahan yang ada di dalam kulkas...ada...sawi aku bikin juice..ada kacang panjang juga aku bikin juice...ternyata enak enak aja tuh..walaupu minumnya sambil merem merem dikit...gak papa lah demi kesehatan...keep healthy... pokoke !!!

And kalo teman teman ada tertarik sama juice aku..sila di coba ini resep kami (aku and my daughter)..

Jus wortel + nanas (carrot+pineapple juice)

1 buah (100 g) wortel
1 potong kecil nanas (50 g)
1 sdm (10 g) susu skim bubuk
1/2 gelas air matang

Nanas baik untuk penderita hipertensi yang juga bermasalahan dgn berat badan & kolesterol. Kandungan enzim bromelin pada nanas mampu melarutkan lemak di saluran pencernaan sehingga keluar bersama feces.

Bagus banget kan...lemak kita keluar tanpa kita harus capek capek berkeringat...(tapi olahraga tetep perlu ya..)

Okay..i think for the beginning ..this is time i will give you another recipe of healthy juice...keep healthy . keep spirit.. and godbless you all.